Transcription Manual

The primary purpose of this manual has always been to set out the standard norms of transcription used by the Dictionary of the Old Spanish Language. This manual is not, then, intended as a Manual of Spanish paleography in the broader sense.

Since the fourth edition of this manual was published, work has continued on the transcription of a wide variety of texts. The combination of a desire to solve new issues raised by the editing experience of many scholars, and the need to represent textual features not previously considered, has led to the revision and publication of this 5th edition. In some areas, information has been added; in others, discussion has been clarified in the hope that the manual will become a more efficient tool for its users. Several new plates and transcriptions have been incorporated in order to illustrate new material and further exemplify existing procedures.

Mackenzie, David (1997). A Manual of Manuscript Transcription for the Dictionary of the Old Spanish Language. Fifth Edition Revised and Expanded by Ray Harris-Northall. Madison: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.

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